Ronjon Lahiri, ADG (Retired Feb 2020) From Min. of Tourism, Govt. of India



If you would like to summarize the learnings from 2021, then what would they be?

Ronjon Lahiri. People are of the opinion that Covid-19 is here to stay and the MICE industry needs to recognise this constant factor and has to work out as to how to deal with it, at least until a vaccine that can work against each and every COVID strain is synthesised. This may be months or even years. So, the new norm is a world with Covid-19 until we are able to transit to a stable Post Covid-19 world probably not before 2024.

What according to you would be the top trends in 2022?

Ronjon Lahiri. A cautious re-opening of the MICE sector, the focus could be on domestic conference and exhibition events. For example New Zealand and Taiwan have opened up their domestic markets their stadiums and exhibition venues with almost no restrictions. Events organised by Government agencies will lead the reopening in efforts to create confidence.

What will be your plans for 2022?

To spread the message internationally that MICE tourism is a booming industry in India and best practices of hygiene, safety, security and digital technology for guest management are in place to regain the confidence of the business traveller.

What message would you like to give to the industry?

Ronjon Lahiri. As business tourism picks up, the World Economy rebounds, consumer regains confidence, International travel comes back full throated, MICE tourism will start thriving again sooner than we expect. So, one should look forward and with optimism about re-opening of trade shows, exhibitions, etc.