Alexandra Erdmann CEO, Swiss Expo Logistics Ltd


Q. The Swiss Expo Logistics company has been in the exhibition logistics industry for more than 10 years, serving trade shows all over the world. What inspired the idea of Swiss Expo Logistics, please share with us the glorious journey of your organization and the major milestones achieved over the years.

Alexandra Erdmann. The idea behind starting an exhibition logistics company like Swiss Expo Logistics was inspired by the growing demand for trade shows and exhibitions worldwide. I have seen an opportunity to provide specialized logistics services to exhibitors and organizers as a one stop shop with outstanding quality to build solid trust, thus by leveraging my expertise and experience in this field. Also we have expanded our fields of play in areas such as sport, event and concert logistics quite successfully over the last couple of years.

Q. What is your biggest USP that differentiates the company from competitors?

Alexandra Erdmann. In the exhibition logistics industry I think, our USP is the combination of factors such as extensive global network like IELA and partnerships, wide and specialized knowledge of customs and regulations in all relevant countries, innovative intermodal transport solutions, excellent customer service, and a track record of successful and timely delivery of exhibition materials.

Q. Rising regulations and the need to make businesses – and operations – more sustainable, have pushed companies to rethink their business models. What in your opinion is the most pressing sustainability issue facing this industry today? Is there anything you would suggest to make the Exhibition Logistics industry more sustainable?

Alexandra Erdmann. One of the most pressing sustainability issues facing the exhibition logistics industry today is the environmental impact caused by transportation, packaging waste, and energy consumption. To make the industry more sustainable, we can adopt various measures such as optimizing transport routes to minimize emissions, using eco-friendly packaging materials, promoting digitalization to reduce paper usage, implementing energy-efficient practices, and exploring alternative energy sources for transportation.

Q. You were amongst the IELA 2020-2021 Board of Management, please share with us your thoughts considering how effectively the IELA has aided its members and as well as the degree that its goals are achieved so far.

Alexandra Erdmann. IELA aims to promote high standards of professionalism, efficiency, and quality in the exhibition logistics industry therefore the association organizes the annual congress with networking opportunities and also the training programs such as the Winter Seminar and the Operations Summit to facilitate learning and professional development for its members. These initiatives cover a wide range of topics, including best practices in exhibition logistics, safety and security measures, technological advancements, sustainability, and standards.

In 2020 – 2021 cause of the pandemic we had to go digital for all our events. IELA also plays a role in advocating for the interests of its members and the exhibition logistics industry. By engaging with relevant stakeholders, including exhibition organizers, venues, and governmental bodies, we address industry issues, promote fair practices, and contribute to the development of policies and regulations that impact the industry in a positive way.

Q. What are your expectations from the upcoming 38th IELA Congress, MALTA?

Alexandra Erdmann. It is always a great opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, discussing industry challenges and solutions, exploring new technologies, and staying updated on the latest trends and developments in exhibition logistics. I personally would like to have discussion around ESG which is pressing topic mainly in Europe currently, but looking ahead its going to be a global one soon.

Q. What are your growth plans for the next 12 months?

Alexandra Erdmann. We will definitely expand our global network, continue to penetrate new markets such as Africa, develop strategic partnerships, invest in technology and infrastructure, which is crucial in times of digital transformation, improve our service offering, push the ESG theme further and focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Q. Women are breaking the glass ceiling, however, there is still a need for more leadership roles in the service sector. What’s your take on it?

Alexandra Erdmann. Increasing leadership roles for women in the service sector is indeed a crucial aspect of promoting gender equality and diversity. I think it’s great that over the last few years more and more women are in high management positions in the logistics industry. Companies can actively encourage and support women in their career advancement by providing equal opportunities, mentorship programs, leadership training, and fostering an inclusive work culture. I can proudly state that our Team is diverse in all aspects and that enriches our company culture very nicely.

Q. Have you encountered a crisis situation while transporting exhibition logistics recently? If so, could you share with us any interesting stories?

Alexandra Erdmann. We notice that freight capacity, especially in air freight, is back to pre-Corona levels. We had a very big event in South America a few months ago, where it was a big challenge to transport over 20’000 kg of airfreight within 7 days due to space constraints.

Q. On a personal note, we are curious to know what keeps you busy when you are away from work?

Alexandra Erdmann. Outside of work, I spend quality time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, traveling since our family is quite spread all over the globe, engaging in fitness and wellness activities. In the winter, I love to ski. I am also very interested in fashion.

Q. What message would you like to share with the readers?

Alexandra Erdmann. in general, it’s important for companies in the exhibition logistics industry to prioritize customer satisfaction, adapt to changing market demands, embrace sustainability, foster innovation, and continuously improve services. Collaboration, professionalism, and dedication are key to success in this dynamic field.